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Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”

Sunday, March 21, 2010 ·

Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”

I just have one serious issue with Vidya Balan and that is: Vidya Balan can get very repetitive and quite boring in her dressing style. I mean this is the nth no. of time that I have seen her in this particular type of saree.


Wish Vidya would get a little creative or even bolder for a change

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Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA” Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”

Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”
Vidya Balan @ DVD launch of “ISHQIYA”

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