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Neetu Chandra does a hot bikini photo shoot and ends up in trouble...

Friday, May 22, 2009 ·

Neetu Chandra does a hot bikini photo shoot and ends up in trouble...

well, this has managed to take the Bollywood related Internet sphere by storm. As soon as this news broke out it was all over the place and spreading like fire, it amazes me how fast information can really travel. Anyway, all most all big and small web sites have covered this giving you their own insights as to what really happened, and we've got something as well.

Apparently, Neetu Chandra was going about her work shooting for an outrageous girl-on-girl action Photoshoot for The Man's June 2009 issue with model Krishikha Gupta. While all this was happening at a 3 star hotel suddenly people started taking objections by indiscriminately shouting at her and the magazine crew. The group started screaming “Jai Maharashtra” at the top of their lungs. Here's what Neetu had to say ""Though the concept about two girls getting very intimate was a bit outrageous, we were doing it very aesthetically. But these men were a frustrated lot and couldn't take the heat. They only saw nudity," fires Neetu Chandra.First they tried to seek my attention with smiles and stares, so I acknowledged them. But as I went on with my work, the whole group of men suddenly started feeling ignored and began creating a scene.They did manage to scare me when they started to politicise the issue and scream communal slogans. That was when we had to stop the shoot." Anyway, the magazine claims they will still go ahead with whatever they have managed so I think we have some more drama to look forward to when it hits the stands.

Most of the comments by people are mostly just stating the obvious facts of how hot Neetu Chandra is looking but a few thought this was just a publicity stunt done by the magazine.

Neetu Chandra does a hot bikini photo shoot and ends up in trouble...
Neetu Chandra does a hot bikini photo shoot and ends up in trouble...
Neetu Chandra does a hot bikini photo shoot and ends up in trouble...
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