Urvashi Sharma Bikini Scans HQ

Sameera Reddy Bikini Mans World Magazine

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ·

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

found these while surfing randomly, thought it might just put a smile of all Mallika Sherawat fans. Be patient while the page loads and save the pictures to your disk to see them full size, eNJOY.


Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...


Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...


Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...


Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...


Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'... 
Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...


Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

Mallika Sherawat frolicking in a bikini - HQ Captures from the movie 'Murder'...

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