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South Indian actress Farzana's video stirs up a storm...

Monday, April 13, 2009 ·

South Indian actress Farzana's video stirs up a storm...

this is turning out to be quite a story. Apparently the below video (link provided) has south Indian actress Farzana caught in an absolutely no-no situation. The gossip is that she's gone commando in this song and during one of the sequence her dress goes up giving you the view of a lifetime.

I don't know what to make out of it, I have shown the captures, provided the link to the video, you fill in the blanks. One thing is for sure the this has definitely fire started the week ahead.

South Indian actress Farzana's video stirs up a storm...
South Indian actress Farzana's video stirs up a storm...
download link -> http://rapidshare.com/files/220607404/Farzana.avi
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