Urvashi Sharma Bikini Scans HQ

Sameera Reddy Bikini Mans World Magazine

Anushka Shetty bikini scene from Telugu movie 'Billa' finally out...

Friday, April 10, 2009 ·

Anushka Shetty bikini scene from Telugu movie 'Billa' finally out...

yes, finally its out. And, I am pretty confident that you at Mr.MirchMasala are the first folks on the Internet who are taking a look at it so quickly.

Now, coming back to the scene, Mr.MirchMasala does not have the video of this yet (note the word "YET") but Mr.MirchMasala does have the screen capture pictures of the scene to show you.

to be honest, I was pretty disappointed with the bikini and the way the scene is done. Don't get me wrong, Anushka Shetty is looking super hot but the bikini could have been more stylish and suave (more modern)  and the camera angles and cinematography could have been more innovative rather than the usual girls comes out of swimming pool and walks a round to wear her sarong..bla-bla-bla.

how does this compare to the Nayantara version? YOU TELL ME....


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