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Is Pallavi Vengsarkar the next Deepika Padukone?

Friday, March 13, 2009 ·

Is Pallavi Vengsarkar the next Deepika Padukone?

Here's another sportsman's daughter taking a foray into the modelling world. The last famous one to have done that is none other than 'Deepika Padukone' daughter of famous badminton player Prakash Padukone.

Question now remain, Will History repeat itself?

Will Pallavi Vengsarkar be the next Deepika Padukone?

Take a look below and decide for yourself.

Posing in mother Manali's designer jewellery Pallavi exhumes confidence and a demure chic style. Thought its her first stint at modelling she seems to as comfortable and at home as seasoned model.

Anyway, here's wishing Pallavi Vengsarkar all the very best, eNJOY!

Is Pallavi Vengsarkar the next Deepika Padukone?
Is Pallavi Vengsarkar the next Deepika Padukone?
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